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Mastering the Art of Cropping in Beatmaking: Techniques and Tips for Enhanced Music Production

In the world of music production, the art of beatmaking is a crucial skill that can make or break a song. As technology ...

I’m a beatmaker. Please tell me the difference between MP3 and WAV.

As a beatmaker, understanding the difference between MP3 and WAV audio file formats can be quite useful. Here's a breakd...

How to Improve Your Hiphop Beats Through Mixing

The hiphop beat forms the essential foundation upon which rap and vocals rest. However, simply stacking tracks together ...

Embrace the Lo-Fi Sound with Retro Sampling Techniques

The evolution of technology has significantly transformed the tools and techniques of music production. However, there's...

How to Make Smoky, Fat Drums in Beatmaking

Beatmaking is an essential component of contemporary music production, providing the backbone for genres such as hip-hop...

I’m a beatmaker. Teach me how to use timestretch.

Time-stretching is a technique used to alter the tempo of an audio sample or track without affecting its pitch. This cap...

I’m a beatmaker. Teach me how to use a delay effect.

Delay is a commonly used effect in music production and sound design. This effect generates time-delayed copies (echoes)...

I’m a beatmaker. How can I make cool beats?

Creating a cool beat involves various elements. Below are some points and techniques to consider.

Fattening Up the Sound: Techniques and Tips for Richer Beats in Beatmaking

In the realm of beatmaking, having a full, rich sound is essential for creating music that resonates with listeners. Whe...

Beatmaking: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Computer

The world of beatmaking has evolved significantly over the past few decades, with advancements in technology allowing fo...
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