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What is the choke function in koala sampler?

Koala Sampler is a music production app for iOS that allows users to chop samples and create music. One of the features ...

Embrace the Lo-Fi Sound with Retro Sampling Techniques

The evolution of technology has significantly transformed the tools and techniques of music production. However, there's...

Beatmaking: Mastering the Art of Mixdown

Creating a beat is just the beginning of the music production process. To take your track to the next level, you'll need...

How do you prevent my kick drum from getting buried in the mix?

When the kick gets buried in the mix, the following approaches might help:

Two Methods of MIDI Input: Real-Time and Step Input

Introduction Hello, beatmakers! Today, we're diving into the two main methods of MIDI input: real-time and step input. L...

I’m a beatmaker. Do you cut the super low frequency range during mastering?

Whether or not to cut the ultra-low frequency range during mastering depends on various factors, such as the purpose of ...

[Music Production] A tool that separates vocals, drums, bass, and others

I tried using a sound splitting tool called Bandlab Splitter, It separates vocals, drums, bass, and more beautifully.

I accidentally deleted the project file for the beat. I couldn’t recover it. This is serious.

This is indeed an unfortunate situation. Data loss is stressful and can sometimes have a significant impact.

Key Considerations When Creating Tracks for Rapping

When creating tracks for rap, special attention is needed. Many track makers tend to overlook the importance of consider...

How to Create the Drums in a Hip Hop Beat

Creating the drums in a hip hop beat is an essential skill for any aspiring producer. The drums play a pivotal role in d...
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