Writing Lyrics as a Rapper: Why It’s Crucial to Avoid Future Regrets


For rappers, crafting their music is a profound expression of their identity. However, without careful consideration of the future, writing impulsive lyrics can lead to later regrets.

Let’s explore why rappers should prioritize forethought in their songwriting to avoid these regrets. Here are three key reasons:

1. Lyrics Shape Your Image

A rapper’s lyrics convey their thoughts and values. The audience builds their perception of the rapper based on this lyrical content. If past lyrics were impulsive, they could become hindrances when a rapper’s mindset evolves or future collaborations and opportunities arise.

For instance, lyrics that were aggressively critical of specific individuals or groups may limit the potential for working relationships down the line.

2. Lyrics Endure Beyond the Present

In the internet age, erasing published work is nearly impossible. Even if a song is deleted years later, there’s always a risk of screenshots or reuploads on other platforms. You don’t want to look back on your past work with embarrassment due to regrettable lyrical choices.

3. Lyrics Document Your Growth

A rapper’s evolution shines through their music. Comparing past and present work objectively highlights skill progression and changes in perspective. You’ll want to feel pride when revisiting your lyrical history and witness your artistic growth.

Tips for Lyrics That Stand the Test of Time

Here’s how to ensure your lyrics are something you won’t regret:

  • Own Your Words: Remember, lyrics aren’t just playful word combinations; they can resonate deeply with listeners. Take responsibility for what you say and fully consider the message you’re conveying.
  • Think Long-Term: Don’t limit your vision to the present moment. Write lyrics with your future in mind. Envision who you aspire to be and align your lyrics with that image.
  • Uphold Your Values: Avoid pandering to others or chasing fleeting trends. Ground your lyrics in your core beliefs.


Songwriting is a rapper’s essential means of self-expression. To avoid future regrets, write with accountability and a long-range perspective. Prioritize your values, and let your lyrics reflect the artist you’re always becoming.

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Born in 1982, he is a Japanese beatmaker and music producer who produces hiphop and rap beats, and also produces and consults music artists. He also researches web marketing strategies for small businesses through music activities and personal blogs. Because he grew up internationally, he understands English. His hobbies are muscle training, photo processing, WordPress customization, K-Pop, web3, NFT. He also loves Korea.

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