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Eliminating Squeaky Sounds in Rap Recordings: Tips and Techniques for High-Quality Results

Rap music has been one of the most popular genres of music for decades now. It has been embraced by millions of people a...
Beat Selling Site

Essential Considerations for Creating a Successful Beat Site

In the ever-evolving world of music production, selling beats online has become an increasingly popular way for aspiring...

How to Make a Rap Beat in Beatmaking: A Comprehensive Guide

Rap music is an essential part of modern culture, and its beats are the heart of the genre. Creating a captivating rap b...

I made a beat with AI. What should i do with it?

Congratulations on creating a beat with AI! That's exciting! Now, let's explore some ideas on what you can do with your ...

Are Hiphop Beats Always Rappable?

No, hip-hop beats aren't always designed to be "rappable" in the traditional sense. Here's why:

[Beatmaking] Would writing “beat made by human” become a brand in the AI era?

The phrase "beat made by human" in the AI era carries a lot of potential as a brand for several reasons:

How to Choose Your Rapper Name: Tips and Guidelines

Choosing a rapper name can be a challenging task. Your name is your brand, and it will be what people will remember you ...

Breaking Through the Noise: Navigating the Challenges of Music Streaming Services for Up-and-Coming Rappers

The music industry has changed dramatically over the past decade, with the rise of digital music streaming services tran...

How To Use a Compressor in Rap Recording

Writing about the use of compressors in rap recording is crucial for managing dynamic range and ensuring vocal consisten...

How to Record Rap Vocals: Tips and Techniques for High-Quality Recordings

Rap is one of the most popular music genres in the world. It's characterized by its distinctive rhythmic style and lyric...
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