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How AI-Generated Music Can Enhance Originality

Many argue that AI-generated music inhibits originality, but I take the opposite stance. I believe that AI-generated mus...

What are AI-sounding beats? And how can you get rid of the AI-like feel?

What are "AI-sounding" beats? The term "AI-sounding" beats refers to those that possess the following characteristics wh...

When number of music becomes astronomical in Spotify due to AI generated music, what would happen next?

As AI technology evolves, it's plausible that the number of AI-generated tracks on platforms like Spotify could become a...

As AI Music Evolves Further, Will It Become Harder to Make a Living as a Musician?

Indeed, with the rapid advancement of AI music generation technology, it's natural to wonder about the implications on t...

Navigating the Dilemma of Creative Commons and YouTube Content ID

Introduction: Creative Commons (CC) licenses provide artists with a platform to openly share their work, promoting a sha...

The Ethical Considerations of AI in Music Production

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made its way into various aspects of our lives, and the music industry is no exception....

How can I create unique beats when using AI for beatmaking?

When using AI for beatmaking, consider the following points to create unique and personalized beats: 1. Customize the se...

Optimizing SEO with AI-Generated Content: Advantages and Disadvantages

The Pros and Cons of AI-Generated Content for SEO Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world, and the fi...

How would the copyright law evolve in the next 20 years?

Predicting the precise evolution of copyright law over the next 20 years is challenging due to the dynamic nature of tec...

What will the world of beatmaking look like after the advancement of AI?

As AI advances, the world of beat making is expected to undergo significant changes. Here are some potential transformat...
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