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How Might the Roles of Musicians and Composers Change as AI-Based Music Gains Popularity?

As AI-based music gains popularity, the roles of musicians and composers might change in several significant ways:

Transforming Royalty-Free Music: The Impact of AI-Generated Music on the Industry

When AI-generated music floods platforms, the landscape of royalty-free music is likely to undergo significant changes. ...

How would the copyright law evolve in the next 20 years?

Predicting the precise evolution of copyright law over the next 20 years is challenging due to the dynamic nature of tec...

Will AI Take Over Music? The Future of Creativity in a Technological World

The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have transformed various industries and aspects of human life. On...

I made a beat with AI. What should i do with it?

Congratulations on creating a beat with AI! That's exciting! Now, let's explore some ideas on what you can do with your ...

With the emergence of paid and free AI automated mastering services, will mastering engineers become unnecessary in the music industry in the future?

The advent of AI automated mastering services is certainly bringing about a revolution in the music production process, ...

Will AI be the future of beatmaking?

AI holds significant potential for the future of beatmaking and the broader spectrum of music production. It has already...

How AI-Generated Music Can Enhance Originality

Many argue that AI-generated music inhibits originality, but I take the opposite stance. I believe that AI-generated mus...

The Future of the Creative Domain: The Infinite Fusion of AI and Humans

When we watch a movie, listen to a song, or read a poem, we often naturally assume that it was created by human hands. H...
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